Do you find yourself feeling tired, overwhelmed or anxious? Perhaps you wish you had more time, or a way to pause and find some calm amidst the chaos? Would you like to sleep better or enjoy better clarity of mind? Or maybe you struggle to with low self-esteem, health challenges or wish you could let go of the past, and simply switch off your thinking?
With the pandemic still with us, concerns about staying safe, keeping a job, paying the bills, relationships, caring responsibilities and fitting into societies ideas of successful, it’s no wonder that women's levels of anxiety are high, their health is suffering and their self-confidence is taking a knock.
Becci Godfrey Wellness is delighted to partner with the women's charity Wayfinder Woman to offer a fully funded or donation amount 6-Week Online Mind Calm Meditation Course for women wanting to experience more calm in their lives.

This course has been designed to address the common causes of feeling low, exhaustion, overwhelm, mental chaos and not feeling enough from a practitioner that has been there, got the t-shirt, and knows how to find your way out.
Tools for calm
Suitable for beginners and experienced meditators alike, this course will give you the tools and techniques to help you to let go of the worry and stress associated with overthinking so that you can experience an inner sense of peace and calm.
Learn how to prioritise what you want most in life and experience more connection, joy, peace and love in a fun and easy way that can be done anytime, anywhere.
The Mind Calm Meditation technique works by helping you change your relationship with your mind. It does this by connecting you to your true self and moving your attention from being caught up in the mental chatter to being calm, relaxed and ‘consciously aware’.
In these six, one-hour practical sessions you will learn the philosophy and theory behind the Mind Calm Meditation technique, practice closed and open-eye meditation and have the chance to ask questions within a supportive group. You'll also enjoy being in like-minded company and the benefits from investing time in yourself, that will also benefit those around you.

Follow up support is provided by access to the course replays for 6 weeks after the event. There is also a supporting book (available in paperback, kindle, audible) and a guided meditation CD available for purchase online to compliment your learning.
For more information about Becci and why she is passionate about health, wellbeing and meditation - go here.
To get in touch with this workshop's sponsor: 01323 886171 Mon-Fri 9.30-4.30, Weds 9.30-6pm. EMAIL
Wayfinder Women relies on grants, fundraising and goodwill to run our free events to support women. If you can make a donation to the charity they would appreciate it. To find out more about Wayfinder Women and donate, go here: