It is coming to the end of the year, and like many I am going through the process of slowing down to wrap things up for the Christmas holidays.

Boy, what a year it has been! So unusual! So much uncertainty and having to do things differently. It is making for some extremely rich pause and reflect time.
"What worked this year? What didn't work?" These are a couple of questions I ask myself.
When it comes to "what didn't work?", I often find in hindsight I can see things I couldn't see at the time. Frustration and worry always seem like such a waste of energy in retrospect. It's something I now use to remind myself when I am worried or frustrated at the time. There is always a bigger picture.
"What worked?" can also be illuminating after the event. What may have seemed inconsequential at the time can go on to grow into something quite significant. A little tweak of the set up here, or a not wasting your time on something there, and you've got a lot more success than you were realising at the time.
Listening to the nation
I find it exceptionally important to pause and reflect on how things are right now, to know what opportunities to explore next. Listening has always been a strong skill with me and I use it to listen to the tone of the nation. Are people happy? Relaxed? Or are they sharing they're struggling to get to grips with the pandemic or is something else happening in their lives? Sometimes it's what they're not saying that is just as important. Not everyone is willing to bear their soul, and when overwhelmed, quietness is a form communication.
All this introspection fuels my own decision making along with the direction I take my services and the Peace Project in. That, and some common sense thinking. Whilst work has been tough for a lot of people, those in the caring profession, so care homes, hospitals, teaching and the health and wellbeing sector, will have been shouldering the brunt of a nation's distress. It stands to reason, they might need some extra support next year, so it'd be wise to look at ways I can do that; perhaps though easy-access online courses or wellbeing days with the horses.
It is truly an honour to be leading health and wellbeing for the community. I enjoy being a pioneer in the wellbeing sector, pushing the boundaries of what is possible through consciousness, kindness and compassion.
One such project I am particularly proud of is a series of community funded wellbeing days for NHS staff. Along with my colleague David Harris and his wonderful herd of horses, we will be providing some respite Thank You days to staff at the Royal Marsden in London. These days will provide essential wellbeing support to those most affected by the pandemic, and to whom we feel a great debt of service. We are asking all our friends and connections to join us in saying thank you for their efforts, by donating towards the lunches and venue costs via our Crowdfunder here:
End of year dates
As I type this post, aided by my very magical herd of horses, we hope you too manage to get some reflection time of your own this year.
Our last online Meditation Group is Monday 20th December, and we start back in the New Year on Monday 10th January with our popular Introduction To Meditation course. Between now and then, we hope you enjoy the festive season as much as possible!
